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Vacation Bible School 2017
Mighty Fortress was a great week of Vacation Bible School fun! Each day started out with a wonderful dinner coordinated by Daylina Houck and her kitchen helpers. Then the children met their group leaders (Bill Doyle, Judy Carr/Sue Landwehr, Paul Thomas, Elise Carr) and went into church where they were presented the message for the day and sang songs. Then it was on to Pastor’s Bible story where Pastor assembled a cast of helpers to tell the Bible story for the day. Next it was crafts led by Dawn Thomas and Robin Doyle; a snack (led by Daylina Houck) and games led by Terri Szuflita and Dennis Conrad. The Little Lookouts (Primary Department) were led by Judy Hoffmann. There were many, many helpers – young and the young-at-heart – sadly not enough space to name them all but greatly appreciated for their time and talents whether it was decorating, clean-up, working in the kitchen, helping with the little ones, etc.
You all made this event a great success!
Special thank you to:
Our “Craftsmen,” Richard Szuflita and Dennis Conrad for their carpentry work. Mr. Szuflita engineered a re-usable frame that can be used for VBS’s yet to come. Mr. Conrad built us catapults used for games.
The Helping Hands group and those who donated food for our dinners.
Daylina and crew for making the s’mores.
Pastor for coordinating the bounce house on Friday.
THE CONGREGATION for their support and prayers.
Monica Thomas, VBS Chair
Below are some pictures from the week.
To see more pictures from VBS click below...