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Upcoming Events
Cereal Mountain
IT IS TIME ONCE AGAIN to build our cereal mountain! Please help us reach our goal of 100 boxes! Cereal will be collected starting March 9th until Palm Sunday, April 13th.
Beginning Wednesday, March 12th, a Soup, Salad, Chili, and Dessert Supper at 6:00 pm followed by Mid-Week Lenten Service at 7:00 pm.
Dates of Supper & Lenten Service: March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9, 2025
Save the date for Sunday, March 23. We will meet after the 10:45 am service. A light lunch will be provided and then we will stay to play board games. This afternoon is geared especially for kids in grades 4 through 12, but younger children are welcome with a caregiver. Bring a friend, a favorite game, a snack to share, or just bring yourself; ready for a fun afternoon! Please sign-up in the Good Shepherd Room so we know how to plan.
THE SALEM BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION is excited about a speaker that will be coming to Salem on Sunday, March 30, 2025,after the late service. Jim Bardot offers a free presentation entitled “What Your Survivors Need to Know – Creating a Legacy Document.”
From Jim: “When a loved one passes or becomes incapacitated, the survivors/caregivers need access to critical information that is missing from traditional documentation. Creating a Legacy Document empowers your survivors with the information they need at their most vulnerable times. It’s giving them the most important gift you can give…the gift of information.” This presentation focuses on gathering and organizing critical details needed after a significant life event. It does not offer legal, financial, or estate planning advice. We hope to see many of our congregants there, whether you are just beginning this journey, have begun but wonder what else you need, or if you think you are ready, but would like affirmation about what you have done. You will be provided a 65 page free PDF or if a hard copy if preferred, you will be asked for a modest duplicating and postage fee. Refreshments will be served. Please sign-up on the bulletin board at side entrance if you are interested.
Salem Lutheran Church welcomes Dan Bonner and
The Blarney Bunch
Continue the St. Patrick's Day celebration with music from the
premier Irish Band from South Buffalo
Sunday, April 6th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
in the Lower Social Hall
The concert is open to the public free of charge. Plenty of free parking.
Beverages and a variety of snacks will be available for purchase before the event and during the intermission.