
The purpose of this group is to read and share excellent literature, to evaluate the books – and to pray & encourage one another.

Charitable Causes:
We have a Christmas Jar (we add to it each month) and give it to local families in need each Christmas.


Day:  Usually the first Monday of each month (except on holidays)
Time:  1:00 p.m. (for any changes in time see Sunday bulletin)
Place:  we take turns each month at our homes or at Salem

Reading List

01-06-25 The Last Thing He Told Me Laura Dave 69 Lois Church
02-03-25 Leave open for bad weather        
03-03-25 State of Terror 

 Louise Penny / 

Hillary Rodham Clinton

49   Becky Church
 04-07-25  Odd Thomas Dean Koontz  10 Janet Church 
05-05-25 Killers of a Certain Age Deanna Raybourn  14  Maxine Church

The Illustrated Mark Twain
& the Buffalo Express

Thomas J Reigstad 18 Sandy Church
07-07-25       Joyce Church
08-04-25 Need book choices for 2026 No book if we go to 
Lime Lake
  Deann Lime
09-08-25 The Lions of Fifth Avenue Fiona Davis 23 Gloria Gloria's
10-06-25 A Haunting on the Hill Elizabeth Hand 13 Michael Church
11-03-25 The Women Kristen Hannah 168 Deann Church
12-01-25 No Book Christmas Party      
01-05-26 Anxious People Fredrik Backman  50 Dayle Church
02-02-26 Leave open for bad weather        
03-02-26 Minding Frankie Maeve Binchy 23 Gary Church