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Sunday School 2023 Christmas Pageant
8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday and on special services as designated by the church calendar.
Salem is a
Stephen Ministry
Rev. John D. Duke
Our Mission
The mission of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church is to preach, teach, and obey the Word of the Triune God in Christ Jesus by reaching out to those in spiritual and physical need in the congregation and the community.
We are a family of faith known as Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church located off McKinley Parkway at 10 McClellan Circle in South Buffalo. We’re a group of people dedicated to sharing the love of God in Jesus Christ with those around us. We are here to serve you, in Jesus’ name. The word “Salem” means “Peace.” That’s why we are known as “The Church of Peace on the Circle.” We’re trying hard to live up to our name. We want to invite you and your family to join with us in our worship, prayer, and friendship, and to make our house of God a home of faith, love, and peace for you.