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NOTE: To watch past church services/current service on a full screen click here→ Salem Buffalo. The printable bulletin to go along with the church services can be found under the BULLETINS tab on the top left-hand corner of this page.
Church Service Readings for March and April 2025
Feasts and Festivals
Over the centuries, the Christian Church has set aside specific days to remember persons and events that were significant in the proclamation of the Gospel. The following feasts and festivals are according to the Lutheran Service Book calendar:
March 19 — St. Joseph, Guardian of Jesus
March 25 — The Annunciation of Our Lord
April 25 — St. Mark, Evangelist
IT IS TIME ONCE AGAIN to build our cereal mountain! Please help us reach our goal of 100 boxes! Cereal will be collected starting March 9th until Palm Sunday, April 13th.