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100th Anniversary Church Picnic Held on August 27, 2017
Approximately 100 people attended the 100th Anniversary Church Picnic at the Lake Erie Italian Club in Lackawanna. The weather was perfect and the facilities were excellent. A special thank you to Council President Paul Thomas and Vice President Catherine Nagel for arranging the facility, the food, the games and the prizes. Also, thanks to Dave Carlson for his grill master duties. The chicken donated by Dave and Corinne Malinkiewicz was also greatly appreciated. Thank you to those on the set up and cleanup crew. Thanks to all who made the annual church picnic a great success including those who furnished the delicious side dishes and desserts.
A retirement party for our church secretary Ernelle Ponivas was held at this picnic. The following is an excerpt of her farewell speech:
“I’d like to thank all of you for this retirement party and for making the past 20 years very special and meaningful to me. I appreciate you putting up with some bulletin mistakes throughout the years. You all are a kind, caring congregation and for this I am thankful. Thanks for the memories. As the song I, the Lord of Sea and Sky says: “I will go Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” I’m also honored to work with the Pastors, some of which are here today including : Pastor Volkert, Pastor Sprehe, Pastor Wurster, Pastor Dom, and Pastor Pingel. Thank you all again!”