LWML Update:  Although we will not be holding regular quarterly meetings as we did in the past, we should continue to support the works of the LWML.  Therefore, please continue to collect MITES and turn the into our Treasurer, Gretchen Putzman.  If submitting MITES  by check, please make check payable to "Salem Lutheran Women's Missionary League."

Note:  We are no longer collecting stamps, ink cartridges, electronic devices, etc.

For more information about the Eastern District LWML check out their website at http://www.east-dist-lwml.org.

For more information about the National LWML check out their website at http://www.lwml.org.


LUTHERAN WOMEN’S QUARTERLY The official LWML magazine that features articles on missions, education and Bible studies.

LINK NEWSLETTER:  The official correspondence featuring LWML Eastern District News on missions and local events and encourages Christian fellowship.

LWML CATALOG:  the official resource to purchase inspirational books, devotional materials, clothing, jewelry and organizational materials.


Anyone who wishes to give to missions may use a mite box. This is a small box used to receive gifts to support mission grants and programs of the LWML. Contributions go to missions locally, nationally or globally.